BDA Web Solutions

Hosting Solutions | PHP | WordPress | HTML5 | CSS3 | Site Development | Site Maintenance | Web Video

Previous Projects

These projects are old and have past out of use.

Data Base Project
This site uses two different technologies to deliver sermons. The first is Flash®. The sound portion is combined with the PowerPoint® presentation into video. The second is streaming the sermon to be listened using Real Player®. The sermons are stored in a data base, retrieved using a data base query, and the query results used to populate the web page. Some of the technology and applications behind the scene is Coldfusion®, RealProducer®, Microsoft PowerPoint®, Adobe Flash®, Adobe Dreamweaver®, and Adobe Photoshop®.


First Presbyterian Church Sermons

Temperature for Camp
What do you bring to camp? Well, this camp added "The Weather Channel" to their site. The current temperature and conditions are listed. With one click, the 10 day forecast page on is listed for the camp. Shorts or snowshoes? Campers will be ready.


The owner of The last Resort Outfitter and Guides wanted share through a blog all the adventures, fishing conditions, and fishing stories. So, we added WordPress Themes by Sadish to the site. WordPress features allow great control and ease of use by the blogger. Simply log in, add your content, and you are done. The material is now live on the net.


The Last Resort Outfitter and Guides

Slide Show
Would like to share some pictures? Tell a story? This theatre group shares their productions using JAlbum. Each production can be seen in a couple of different ways from a page listing all of them to a slide show.

slide show
Ked Productions

Flash Video?
This special project is for James Anderson. Jim created the video in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009 as part of a school project. He created the train and track in the CAD program. Then, the objects were animated into a video. BDA Web Solutions made the video into a Flash video for the web with Jim's assistance.
Train Video